2014년 4월 30일 수요일

2014-08: To improve our English fluency

Introduction: It's already over two months since I joined this club. As a a.k.a active member :-), I would like to contribute anything I can do with some essays. First topic is about improving English fluencies with some systematic approach.

1. Speaking new words

Reflecting myself I'm a bit shame on me because during discussion, only several words and familliar topics would be spoken. If I try to talk about in detail, I have some murmurs and cannot continue to talk because appropriate words are only at the tip of the tongue :-)

When I studied English quite hard at long long time ago, before each day classes, I had prepared some words and phrases to talk and gave a best shot to USE them all as many as I can during the talking sessions. It was quite good for me. Hard words are more cost-effective.

2. Keeping a diary

It's very mundane tips but all the time it's poweful. This essay is also corresponding with my personal purpose. My aim is to write and publish one a week whatever small one.

For Korean language, I did writing some articles and got some positive feedbacks.

Please don't worry about writing and sharing personal feelings and such-such things in English. According to my experiences Quantitiy makes improvement of Quality :-) Feedbacks would be helpful for English and your life.

Writing something is a good habit because it takes a lot to get used to.

3. Reduce Korean

We are all Korean so it's much easier to communicate if our words are difficult to be talked immediately. But it's not very useful for our English fluency in the long term.

I know this bulletin board is for noticing next class and topics but only several essays could be stored without threatening the original purpose for this notice board.

I hope this makes you helpful :-)

About reducing Korean is only for my private opinion. Don't get me wrong.

2014.5.1 by Mike

댓글 3개:

  1. 안녕하세요. 영어에 관심이 있는 유저입니다. 오직 생활영어가 목적입니다. 정찬용의 '영어공부 절대로 하지마라' 라는 책 아시죠. 그 방법대로 영어를 습득하고자 하는데 정말 괜찮은 방법일까요. 영어공부에 대한 조언 좀 부탁드려도 될까요.

    1. 안녕하세요^^ 답글 감사드려요~ 제가 그 책은 읽어보지 못해서 뭐라 말씀드리기는 어렵지만 영어를 잘 하시려면 말하기 듣기 읽기 쓰기를 매일 한시간이라도 공부하시는게 중요할 듯 해요~ 생활영어라고 다른 것은 없을 것 같아요~ 젤 좋은 것은 외국인 친구랑 얘기하는게 젤 좋은데 그게 어렵다면 영어 강좌를 들으시더라도 가능한 한국어가 없는 것을 선택하세요 감사합니다 저도 영어공부좀 해야 할텐데 쿨럭 ㅠㅜ

    2. 정찬용 그 책의 요지가 한국어 개입 없이 오로지 영어를 영어로 받아들이라 입니다. 갓난 아기가 모국어를 배우듯이 말이죠. 동환님의 한국어가 없는 영어강좌랑 외국인 친구와 대화를 나누라고 하는 조언과 일맥상통하는 부분이네요. 답변 고맙습니다. 되는 날까지 열심히 열공하는 수밖에 없네요. ㅜㅜ 좋은 하루 되세요^^
